City Tower Shinjuku (10F)|Tokyo real estate investment, Trust Yuzuru Zobe(National Licensed Real Estate Agent)

City Tower Shinjuku (10F)|Income Properties

Owner change
428 households, 35 floors,
sold by Sumitomo Real Estate, built in 2023

A 35-story high-rise seismic isolation tower residence in the International Strategic Special Zone in Nishi-Shinjuku.
It is located near the intersection of Ome Kaido and Junisha Dori.

nearest station
LocationAreaCompletion Date

Nishi Shinjuku On foot 7mins

5-2-1 Nishi Shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo02/2023



Property photos, Floor plan

Property Description

1. Overview

Property Name

City Tower Shinjuku (10F)

Classification Reinforced concrete・Steel frame reinforced concrete
Tax-included priceJPY63,500,000
Floor plan details1R+Balcony
Location5-2-1 Nishi Shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo
Transportation/nearest station

Nishi Shinjuku On foot 7mins

Tocho mae On foot 8mins

2. Income

Annual income when fullJPY2,160,000

3. Land

Land rights Ownership

4. Building

Type Condominium building
Structure typeReinforced concrete
Completion Date02/2023

5. City planning

Town planning Urbanization zone

6. Other

Monthly Management FeeJPY13,615
Monthly Repair Reserve FundJPY3,620
Current status Leased
Transfer period Immediately
Transaction terms Intermediary

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