Fine Court Todoroki|Tokyo real estate investment, Trust Yuzuru Zobe(National Licensed Real Estate Agent)

Fine Court Todoroki|Income Properties

Can also be used for investment

Built in April 1991, this is the second floor of a four-story building.
The former Mitsui Home condominium sales, construction, and management company is Fuji Home.
The property is located in a Class 1 low-rise residential area and is surrounded by a quiet residential area.
This is an apartment with an automatic lock and no pets allowed.
Currently vacant, it can be used for both residential and investment purposes.
Fine Court Todoroki is available on the Tokyu Oimachi Line "Kenoge" and "Todoroki".
This is an apartment in a quiet residential area.
nearest station
LocationAreaCompletion Date

Kaminoge On foot 10mins

3-15-2 Nakamachi, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo

Exclusive floor size/17.73㎡




Property photos, Floor plan

Property Description

1. Overview

Property Name

Fine Court Todoroki

Classification Reinforced concrete・Steel frame reinforced concrete
Tax-included priceJPY15,800,000
Floor plan details1R+Balcony
Exclusive floor size17.73㎡
Location3-15-2 Nakamachi, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo
Transportation/nearest station

Kaminoge On foot 10mins

Todoroki On foot 12mins

Parking No

2. Income

Annual income when fullJPY1,020,000

3. Land

Land rights Ownership

4. Building

Type Condominium building
Structure typeReinforced concrete
Completion Date04/1991

5. City planning

Town planning Urbanization zone
Use district Category Ⅰ exclusive high and medium building residential area

6. Other

Monthly Management FeeJPY11,300
Monthly Repair Reserve FundJPY3,500
Current status Vacant
Transfer period Immediately
Transaction terms Intermediary

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